Friday 17 June 2011

The Art of Procrastinating

I have to admit I must be one of the worlds best procrastinators, upon deciding to begin this blog to report on my most recent forms of procrastination I proceeded to spend an hour choosing a background picture, design and fonts that I liked. I honestly couldn't tell you how many times I must have changed them all not being quite happy each time. But finally here is the layout I've settled on, well settled on for now until I need to avoid doing something else!

So my fellow procrastinators, tell me, what is your favorite form of procrastination?


  1. Cleaning house and doing laundry are my 2 fave physical procrastination activities. Somehow, the house always looks dirtier when I'm on deadline. It's that control thing. Oh, look. I'm procrastinating now. Bye!

  2. Ah but this whole blog is one huge procrastination that's what makes it so much fun :)
