Monday 29 August 2011

Writing weekend.

So I've made the most I can of the bank holiday and got down to some serious writing, I'm up to 16,000 words typed up and I did another 10 pages of hand written work yesterday afternoon so with any luck that's another 2,000 words.

I had vowed to write this book directly into the computer after writing the entirety of the previous one by hand but I just find that there are far too many distractions on the computer. The difference is this time I'm trying to keep up with typing the work up as I go along rather than doing the whole thing once I've finished.

I'm hoping to hit the 20,000 mark at least by the end of today so that I can return to work happy. Hope you've all had a great bank holiday, did you get up to anything nice?

Rhi x

1 comment:

  1. Up to the same thing as you... 3k this morning which has taken me over the 70k mark... should have it finished by tomorrow evening... now I'm off for stint 2/3... goof luck!
